Schedule a Workshop

Intro Session (90 minute) - $50
The Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience introductory session is conducted by a certified Recovery International facilitator and gives an overview of the accompanying workbook*, providing a general sense of the program and a way to get started on it independently. This session will introduce key concepts such as:
- Angry and Fearful Temper
- Internal and External Environment
- Spotting Tools
- Applying the Recovery 4-Step Method
(*one workbook per participant is required and sold separately)

7-Week Course (seven 60-minute sessions) - $250
Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience is a seven-week course to help teach young people ways to cope with everyday events that cause stress. A certified Recovery International facilitator will guide your group through the accompanying workbook*. The curriculum is based on a cognitive behavioral therapy method developed by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Abraham Low. The program is interactive and will cover the following concepts in depth:
- Angry and Fearful Temper
- Judgment
- Internal and External Environment
- Will-training, Hidden Meaning
- Humor
- Facing Your Fears
- Group-Mindedness
- Spotting Tools
- Applying the Recovery 4-Step Method
(*one workbook per participant is required and sold separately)