About Us
For more than 85 years Recovery International (RI) has been helping adults achieve better mental health using a peer-led, cognitive behavioral, 4-step method and tools developed by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Abraham Low. Power Your Mind uses this evidence-based program to teach young people ways to cope with stress in the time of COVID and beyond.
Dr. Abraham Low, a neuropsychiatrist with the Psychiatric Institute at the University of Illinois, worked with his patients to develop techniques of self-help that would augment outpatient treatments by professionals. Eventually, Dr. Low’s lectures and practices evolved into the Recovery Method, a rigorous meeting structure including readings, four-step examples, and “spotting” techniques. Recovery meetings are peer-led by trained, volunteer leaders who have experienced and benefitted from the RI Method themselves.
Mission Statement
The mission of Recovery International is to use the cognitive-behavioral, peer-to-peer, self-help training system developed by Abraham Low, MD, to help individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful and productive lives.
Press Kit
For media, school groups, faith-based groups, after school program leaders and anyone interested in finding out more.
Success World Wide
Recovery International provides tools for people to manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, fear, and various forms of mental illness. Pre-Covid, we offered more than 500 meetings per week in 40 areas throughout the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico. Participants and members live in more than 20 countries, with books available in English, Spanish and French. Currently, most in-person meetings are closed, and we are offering more than 70 weekly phone, web, chat and Facebook meetings serving thousands of participants each month.